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Wednesday 23 June 2010

How do you do a first post?

Right hello and good evening to you.
It has been a few days of scorching sun in the UK and typically in an English way we are starting to moan about it already.

I think it's something particulary english to have a good bloody rant about something at all times. That, you will find, is what i tend to do. Lots of things annoy me and hopefully when i have a right good moan about it I do it in an interesting, entertaining, passionate and funny way. (but not necessarily all of those in that particular order I have to admit).

So if you are popping back to my blog or subscribing to it let me know if you like what i'm saying, dislike what i'm saying, think you can say it better or just want to have a good bloody rant yourself.

Subjects I will tend to touch on the most are as follows:
The Art World
British bloody stupidness
Racism and ignorance
and general scouse stupidness.

Anyway that's my first post. Now on to my 2nd post!!!

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