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Monday 2 August 2010

Men Crying at Films

It has been talked about quite alot over the last couple of weeks about Men crying at films. Why do we shed a tear, why are we ashamed to admit it? It tends to be linked to family or loss why men cry, or the passion of losing a sports game. I think when one is a teenager coming home from school and viewing Neighbours/Biker Grove/Home and Away, when one was tired and an emotional scene appeared the occasional tear would pour down my cheek. I'm sure this was the same of many others. But of course it was not something you would discuss the next day, not even to your girlfriend.

However as I got into my 20's films discussing relationships with father and son always used to make me clear my throat and take deep breaths, just to stop an outbreak of hysterical tears. I remember watching Big Fish at my local cineplex on a first date. By the end of the film I was so upset and looking somewhat pathetic with tears and tissues my date looked somewhat appalled to be with me. We did carry on going out a few more dates but she dumped me after a month or two saying I was too sensitive, I always think that first date was the death knell in that relationship.

I went to the pictures this weekend to watch Inception and ended up in tears again, this wasn't anything to do with the film however. I tripped down the cinema steps in the dark and nearly knocked myself out, after about an hour of the film I was in so much pain I shed a few tears. Turns out I'd broken my arm. So yes men cry at movies but not always because of the subject on the big screen, Excuse me while I go and take a few more painkillers.

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